artist canvas
Portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin

13.01.1832 Jelabuga, Tatarstan Republic - 08.03.1898 Saint-Petersburg

Canvases of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin [292 canvases]

Biography of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin

The works of this outstanding artist enjoy vast popularity in Russia; the best of them have become the classics of Russian landscape painting. During 40 years of his artistic activity Ivan Shishkin produced hundreds of paintings, thousands of studies and drawings and a large number of engravings. For contemporaries, Shishkin’s personality embodied Russian nature itself; they called him “forest tzar”, “old pine tree”, and “lonely oak”. Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin was born into the family of a merchant. His father, a self-made and broad-minded man, after long hesitations, supported his son's desire to become an artist. In 1852-1856, Shishkin studied in the Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture, in 1856-1860, he continued his studies in St. Petersburg, in the Academy of Arts. He made rapid progress and got all the awards the Academy offered. Having received a Major Gold Medal for two pictures with the same name View of Valaam Island. Kukko. (1860) and an Academy grant for studies abroad, Shishkin spent 3 years (1862-1865) in Germany, Switzerland, Czech, France, Belgium and Holland. Gradually he got disappointed in his foreign teachers and European authorities in landscape painting. Now he felt free and independent and longed to return home, to Russia. During his stay abroad Shishkin engaged in lithography and etching. His numerous pen drawings caught the eye of the Dusseldorf public and critics by their virtuoso hatching and filigree treatment of detail. In 1865, Shishkin painted his View near Dusseldorf for which he was awarded the title of Academician and which was shown at the 1867 World Fair in Paris. In 1865, he returned to Russia and settled in St. Petersburg, where he joined the Itinerants’ Society of Traveling Exhibitions (Peredvizhniki). One of his first masterpieces Noon in the Neighbourhood of Moscow (1869) critics called “song of joy”. He always preferred to draw daytime scenes, full of sunlight and life. Pine Forest in Viatka Province (1872), Rye (1878), Path in a Forest (1880), Oaks (1887), Coniferous Forest. Sunny Day. (1895). His scrupulous reproduction of nature stood in sharp contrast to the academic canons of landscape painting. For his loving approach to detail some critics called his works colored pictures, which lack of life. But despite such attention to details Shishkin’s paintings do not fall apart, but give full and finished impression. Shichkin had a troubled private life, twice he fell in love and married and twice his wives died. His sons also died. But never Shishkin allowed his sorrows appear on his canvases. His last work is Mast-Tree Grove (1898). He died in his studio at the easel with newly begun canvas. Among the Russian landscape painters Shishkin was the staunchest and most consistent exponent of the materialistic aesthetics – to depict nature in all its pure, unadorned beauty. His role in Russian art did not lose its significance even in the years, which saw the appearance of splendid landscapes by Isaac Levitan, Valentin Serov and Constantin Korovin. Despite the fact that he espoused different aesthetic principles and advocated a different artistic system, Shishkin enjoyed an indisputable authority among young Russian painters of the late 19th century. The new generation did not fail to acknowledge him as a thoughtful and masterful portrayer of Russian nature.

Famous canvases of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin:

Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich. Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich. Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich.
Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich. Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich. Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich.
Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich. Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich. Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich.

You can find canvases of this artist in these museums:

  • Алтайский краевой музей изобразительных искусств, Барнаул
  • Астраханская областная картинная галерея им. Б.М. Кустодиева, Астрахань
  • Владимиро-Суздальский музей-заповедник, Владимир
  • Вологодская областная картинная галерея, Вологда
  • Государственная Третьяковская галерея
  • Государственный историко-художественный и природный музей-заповедник В.Д. Поленова, Поленово, Тульская область
  • Государственный музей изобразительных искусств им. А.С.Пушкина, Москва
  • Государственный музей изобразительных искусств Республики Татарстан, Казань
  • Государственный музей-заповедник "Ростовский Кремль", Ростов, Ярославская область
  • Государственный Русский музей
  • Государственный художественный музей Беларусии, Минск
  • Государственный художественный музей им. М.В.Нестерова, Уфа
  • Дальневосточный художественный музей, Хабаровск
  • Екатеринбургский музей изобразительных искусств, Екатеринбург
  • Киевский государственный музей русского искусства
  • Киевский государственный музей русского искусства, Киев
  • Кировский художественный музей им. В.М. и А.М. Васнецовых, Киров
  • Костромской государственный объединенный художественный музей, Кострома
  • Краснодарский краевой художественный музей, Краснодар
  • Луганский областной художественный музей, Луганск
  • Львовская государственная картинная галерея, Львов
  • Музей академии художеств, Санкт-Петербург
  • Музей изобразительных искусств Республики Карелия, Петрозаводск
  • Национальная галерея Армении, Ереван
  • Нижегородский художественный музей, Нижний Новгород
  • Нижнетагильский художественный музей изобразительных искусств, Нижний Тагил
  • Одесский художественный музей, Одесса
  • Омский областной музей изобразительных искусств, Омск
  • Пензенская областная картинная галерея им. К. А. Савицкого, Пенза
  • Пермская государственная художественная галерея, Пермь
  • Плесский государственный историко-архитектурный и художественный музей-заповедник, Плес
  • Полтавский областной художественный музей, Полтава
  • Псковский государственный объединенный историко-архитектурный и художественный музей-заповедник, Псков
  • Рязанский областной художественный музей, Рязань
  • Самарский художественный музей, Самара
  • Саратовский государственный художественный музей им. А.Н. Радищева, Саратов
  • Серпуховский художественно-исторический музей, Серпухов
  • Смоленский областной музей изобразительных и прикладных искусств, Смоленск
  • Таганрогская картинная галерея, Таганрог
  • Харьковский государственный музей изобразительных искусств, Харьков
  • Частное собрание
  • Челябинская областная картинная галерея, Челябинск
  • Ярославский художественный музей, Ярославль

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